Reedsburg's Favorite Natural Health Store.
Hello, and welcome to the Health Habitat website.
I purchased this cute little store in Reedsburg, Wisconsin over sixteen years ago. Even though we changed the name and the concept of the store a bit, it still has that small and friendly mom and pop attitude of doing business in a smaller community. If you drop by, you may see members of my family here helping out at the store.
A bit of history about my little store is that it opened back in the early seventies, and it’s still up for debate as to how long it’s been in business in Reedsburg. The original owner is betting that it’s been here over 50 years, so I’m glad to say that we own a store that has made it through good and lean years, and one that has a strong heartbeat in this community. The reason for its new success is that, we sell only the best quality products at affordable prices, and when we say that we’re your place for natural health solutions, we really mean it.
Unlike a big box store, or even other larger health food stores, we have access to certified nutritionists, naturopath doctors, and other natural practitioners who assist us in recommending the right supplements based on a person’s specific needs. We know what our products do, and we know what they won’t do. Our goal is to find what’s right for you and your family.
What’s really great is that, even if you live somewhere else, you have access to the same information and products just like our customers who walk into the store. So, don’t hesitate to call or to email if you have questions. We happily will ship items anywhere in the United States, and we anticipate having an online store at some point down the road.
We hope that you will find what you need here on the Health Habitat website, or at our store in Reedsburg. Thanks for visiting. Come visit us in person when you’re in good, old Reedsburg.

Thurs- 11-6
Fri - 11-3
Sat - 11-3